Trump second impeachment trial a classic Alinsky technique

Trump second impeachment trial a classic Alinsky technique

Why bother with a trial with no teeth? And how can the left seriously talk about 'inciting public violence' after spending an entire year doing the same?

The Left's second sham trial of now past-president Donald Trump reveals one of their most oft-used techniques: The Saul Alinsky attack. Alinsky tactics have been used to devastating effect for decades now, and it's time good people grow wise to them.

Douglas Kruger, author of 'Political Correctness Does More Harm Than Good,' helps classical liberals and conservatives to understand how Alinsky tactics are used against them.

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About the Author: Douglas Kruger
Douglas Kruger
Douglas Kruger is the author of several bestselling books. In honour of excellence in his craft, he has been inducted into the Speakers Hall of Fame. He is a member of Mensa – the High-IQ Society, and he holds a degree in Philosophy.