Isn’t opposing Political Correctness kind of like arguing against human decency? It’s a fair question.
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Breaking Woke by Douglas Kruger
Isn’t opposing Political Correctness kind of like arguing
against human decency?
It’s a fair question. At a quick glance, it seems contentious to create a site and write an entire book against Political Correctness. Isn’t that just arguing against good manners and a liberal spirit of inclusion? Why do it?
Because it turns out that you can have sound scientific method, or you can have political correctness, but the two are mutually incompatible. You can have human rights, as we traditionally conceive them, or you can have political correctness, but one of these must prevail against the other. And finally, you can speak the truth, or you can be politically correct, but you can’t do both.
This site defends proper science, Western-democracy, historical-accuracy, and the Judaeo-Christian tradition. It is your resource for learning how to do the same, because some things are worth fighting for.
Find out more about the book here.
Articles and Media
A Dark Age is in large part defined by one generation's inability to transmit its values to the next. Are we headed for a new one? Here are 5 chilling markers that indicate a rough road ahead for our children.
The Centre for Risk Analysis interviews Douglas Kruger, author of 'Political Correctness Does More Harm Than Good - How to Identify, Debunk and Dismantle Dangerous Ideas,' on what's going wrong, and what good people can do to address it.
Cancel culture goes after Dr Seuss?
Douglas Kruger, author of 'Political Correctness Does More Harm Than Good,' responds.
Meet Douglas at
Is woke parenting just basic child abuse?
Douglas Kruger, author of 'Political Correctness Does More Harm Than Good,' points out the first three tests a 'progressive' parent will inevitably face and have to answer, and asks why they do NOT constitute child abuse.
Meet Douglas at
Do you know someone in a leadership role within a conservative government? Show this video to them. Here are 5 ways global leaders in conservative and classical liberal governments consistently and repeatedly let us down, and how they can do better.
Read MoreShould woke culture take precedence over medical training? ...over common sense?
These institutions are now instructing their medical staff to say 'chestfeeding' instead of breastfeeding. So what's wrong with that?
Douglas Kruger, author of 'Political Correctness Does More Harm Than Good' points out 9 problems with this ridiculous new trend.
The Centre for Risk Analysis interviews Douglas Kruger, author of 'Political Correctness Does More Harm Than Good' and 'Poverty Proof,' on why communal ownership is not a viable prospect for human flourishing: 'Someone ultimately owns, and therein lies the con.'
Read MoreWhy bother with a trial with no teeth? And how can the left seriously talk about 'inciting public violence' after spending an entire year doing the same?
The Left's second sham trial of now past-president Donald Trump reveals one of their most oft-used techniques: The Saul Alinsky attack. Alinsky tactics have been used to devastating effect for decades now, and it's time good people grow wise to them.
Douglas Kruger, author of 'Political Correctness Does More Harm Than Good,' helps classical liberals and conservatives to understand how Alinsky tactics are used against them.
Meet Douglas at
The state of Victoria in Australia has passed a new bill, with serious consequences for Christians and counsellors. Effectively criminalising any attempt to help individuals struggling with gender issues, this bill goes so far as proposing jail-time in the event of a Christian praying for someone who has asked for help. Has this Australian state officially lost its mind?
Douglas Kruger, author of Political Correctness Does More Harm Than Good, provides four insights into the underlying errors of their reasoning, concluding that this new bill must be overturned as a matter of urgency.
Meet Douglas at
In 'Political Correctness Does More Harm Than Good,' Douglas Kruger details 21 current ideological battlefronts in the war for our culture. Here are the issues that will determine what our world looks like tomorrow...
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In the wake of US elections, there have been serious calls to deprogram and re-educate half of American voters. That might not be a bad idea. Here are just three of the damaging political prejudices that have long been held by the liberal left.
Douglas Kruger is the author of 'Political Correctness Does More Harm Than Good - How to Identify, Debunk and Dismantle Dangerous Ideas.'
Douglas Kruger is interviewed on the ManPatria FreeMan series, on the topic of his two newest books, 'Political Correctness Does More Harm Than Good,' and 'How to Grow Rich: 50 Ways to Debunk Money Myths and Master Wealth.'
Read MoreDouglas Kruger on whether to pull down a statue of Shaka Zulu, how Mensa disagrees with him in exactly the right way, and why we should never fall for self-censorship.
Meet Douglas Kruger at Find his new book on Audible and Amazon.
Over the millennia, humanity wrested power away from rulers. Over the past year, we gave it all back. What can we do about it?
Here is a practical suggestion from Douglas Kruger, author of 'Political Correctness Does More Harm Than Good.'
Meet Douglas at
Find his new book on Amazon, or find the audio book on Audible, here:
In an interview on talkshow 'America Stands,' attorney Matthew Deperno gives an update - on the very eve of Joe Biden's inauguration - on the Dominion software machines, and the unfolding court-cases alleging fraud. This election is still not over, even as the inauguration goes ahead.
Watch the full America Stands interview at this link:
Douglas Kruger is the author of the global new book 'Political Correctness Does More Harm Than Good,' available via Amazon and Audible.
A lot of good people are confused by this issue: What could possibly be wrong with a minimum wage? Isn't it just a kindly idea, designed to help the poorest of the poor?
Here is a simple explanation of how and why this innocuous sounding concept does extraordinary damage, particularly to those whom it purports to help, by Douglas Kruger, bestselling author of Poverty Proof, Is Your Thinking Keeping You Poor?, and How to Grow Rich.
'Diversity is a good thing.'
Is this statement true? The answer is always: 'It depends...'
Douglas Kruger, author of 'Political Correctness Does More Harm Than Good,' helps you to understand and articulate key issues pertaining to diversity, tolerance and inclusion, in addition to providing suggestions for useful ways forward.
Find the ebook and paperback version of his at Amazon, and the audio book at Audible.
In a world facing the resurgence of censorship, this time from big tech monopoly of information, understanding the importance of freedom of speech is paramount. So why does free speech matter?
Douglas Kruger, author of 'Political Correctness Does More Harm Than Good,' provides ten insights into why this bastion of civilisation must never be compromised, and shows you how to articulate these arguments.
Meet Douglas Kruger at Subscribe to the YouTube channel at this link:
“We are socialists, we are enemies of today’s capitalistic economic system for the exploitation of the economically weak, with its unfair salaries, with its unseemly evaluation of a human being according to wealth and property…and we are determined to destroy this system under all conditions.â€
Do you know who said it? Do you agree with it? Watch this video, by Douglas Kruger, author of 'Political Correctness Does More Harm Than Good.'
Meet Douglas at
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Find his book at Amazon or Audible.
Social justice, Marxism, identity politics, political correctness... Where does it all come from? And what does it want?
Douglas Kruger, author of 'Political Correctness Does More Harm Than Good,' details the history, and shows why PC culture is diametrically opposed to the Judaeo-Christian tradition, in this keynote presentation at BreakThru Life church.
US congress opened with a prayer that included the words 'Amen and awomen.' Liberal Democrats are seriously proposing the banning of 'gendered' language in Congress, including words like 'mother' and 'father.'
Douglas Kruger, author of Political Correctness Does More Harm Than Good, provides 10 counter-arguments to these notions, asking why liberals so enthusiastically fall for every new social justice and identity politics fad.
It's a simple question, but perhaps one of the most important. What is the state of your faith today?
Douglas Kruger, author of 'Political Correctness Does More Harm Than Good,' unpacks some of the reasons underpinning his own enduring belief in God - from Science, logic and philosophy - and details what goes wrong in its absence.
Meet Douglas at Subscribe to the YouTube channel 'Breaking Woke' here:
Do you enjoy audio books? Sample the first hour of the global new book 'Political Correctness Does More Harm Than Good - How to Identify, Debunk and Dismantle Dangerous ideas,' by Douglas Kruger.
This title is available as a paperback or ebook from Amazon, and as an audiobook from Audible, at this link:
The science is settled? Gender is a social construct, and a fluid, free-floating edifice? It depends what you mean by 'science.' If you look at the topic from the perspective of evolutionary biology, then these claims are false. If, however, you mean the kind of 'science' taught by politically correct sociology professors, then you have a different discussion on your hands.
Douglas Kruger, author of 'Political Correctness Does More Harm Than Good,' provides the history of the original experiment upon which the 'gender as a social construct' narrative was based. Meet John Money, one of history's most fraudulent scientists.
Subscribe to BreakingWoke at this link:
Find Douglas's new book on Amazon and Audible.
World leaders are talking about a 'Great Reset,' led by 'conscious capitalism.' One of its tenets is the idea that you will not own anything. Is that feasible? Or is it riddled with dangerous contradictions?
Douglas Kruger, author of 'Political Correctness Does More Harm Than Good,' points out 11 flaws with just one of the notions underpinning The Great Reset.
Meet Douglas Kruger at
Subscribe to the YouTube channel, Breaking Woke, at this link:
'You will own nothing, and you will be happy' - so say protagonists of the 'Great Reset.'
Codswallop. Try that on Christmas morning.
Douglas Kruger is the author of the global new book 'Political Correctness Does More Harm Than Good.'
"To solve the problem, add more problem."
Is this really a trend in leftist thinking? Douglas Kruger, speaker and author of 'Political Correctness Does More Harm Than Good,' explores 4 examples of the liberal and leftist inclination to 'add more' in order to 'make it go away.'
Meet Douglas Kruger at
Those who say they would never have gone along with Hitler
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In a debate, it helps to understand where your opponent is coming from. Douglas Kruger, author of Political Correctness Does More Harm Than Good, provides an insight into the mindset of the modern progressive liberal, and how their insulating worldview helps them to remain convinced of their position, even in the face of contrary evidence.
For more resources like this, visit
Buy the new book, Political Correctness Does More Harm Than Good, at this link:
Douglas Kruger is interviewed by Lance Peppler on The Business Bookshelf on the topic of his new book, 'Political Correctness Does More Harm Than Good.'
Should we ban certain types of humour? What does an ideal country look like?
Meet Douglas at, or subscribe to the YouTube channel BreakingWoke.
Find his new book at this link:
5 Things wrong with the 'everything is racist' narrative from progressive liberals, and how to debunk this destructive form of reasoning.
Douglas Kruger is the author of 'Political Correctness Does More Harm Than Good.' Subscribe to his YouTube channel, BreakingWoke, or visit his website:
Find his new book, 'Political Correctness Does More Harm Than Good,' at:

What are the essential differences in approach between liberals and conservatives, between right-wing and left-wing?
Douglas Kruger, author of the global new book 'Political Correctness Does More Harm Than Good,' provides a basic overview.
Subscribe to the BreakingWoke YouTube channel to see more of this content, or visit for more.
Find Douglas's new book, 'Political Correctness Does More Harm Than Good - How to Identify, Debunk and Dismantle Dangerous Ideas,' at this link:
One of the charges brought against both the Judaeo-Christian tradition, and the United States as an entity, is that if they were essentially good, they would simply have forbidden slavery from the outset.
Is there substance to the charge? Or do the answers not only exonerate both entities, but point to inherent goodness? The answers matter, and we should be teaching them to our children.
Douglas Kruger is the author of the global new book, 'Political Correctness Does More Harm Than Good - How to Identify, Debunk and Dismantle Dangerous Ideas.' He is a professional speaker and the author of several books.
Visit for more.
Find Douglas's book on Amazon at this link:

What happens if the ideology underpinning political correctness wins out? What might the future look like?
Inheritors of the Judaeo-Christian tradition should be deeply concerned. Douglas Kruger, author of 'Political Correctness Does More Harm Than Good' unpacks the potential outcomes.
Meet Douglas Kruger at
Find his new book, Political Correctness Does More Harm Than Good, at this link:

Can you be politically correct, and also be a morally decent human being?
Douglas Kruger, author of Political Correctness Does More Harm Than Good, argues that the answer is adamantly, 'No.' Political correctness is squarely about the self-righteousness of the practitioner, and demonstrably harmful to those whom it purports to help.
In this video, Douglas explains why political correctness is anti-science, anti-truth, racist, and harmful to the poor.
Meet Douglas Kruger at
Find his new book, Political Correctness Does More Harm Than Good, at this link:

What is the most dangerous book written over the past century? Douglas Kruger, author of 'Political Correctness Does More Harm Than Good' and several books on wealth-versus-poverty, nominates the infamous 'Capital in the Twenty First Century,' by Thomas Piketty.
Here he shows you the flaws and underlying errors of logic in this book, and how to debunk the entire worldview that has sprung up around 'Capital.'
Meet Douglas Kruger at
Find his book, 'Political Correctness Does More Harm Than Good,' at this link:
Ban all billionaires? That's a terrible idea!
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Gareth Cliff hosts a televised debate on the topic, 'Does political correctness do more harm than good?' He is joined by a panel, including Douglas Kruger, author of the new book on how to identify, debunk and dismantle politically correct ideas.
Find out more about Douglas at

Douglas Kruger, a multiple award-winning speaker and author of 'Political Correctness Does More Harm Than Good,' shows you how to overcome fear when facing a debate. You CAN champion your views and values in the face of nerves, using simple but effective techniques.
Read MoreUniversity curricula today contain a unique 'anti-wisdom' mechanism. It was introduced into the system by postmodernists like Derrida, with the goal of undermining Western civilisation, and you need to be aware of it and how it works.
Douglas Kruger, author of Political Correctness Does More Harm Than Good, shows you how this idea works, and how it has made the Humanities departments of many universities 'anti-truth' and 'anti-wisdom.' Knowledge being power, here is what to look out for...
Meet Douglas Kruger at
Buy the book, Political Correctness Does More Harm Than Good,' at this link:
It's a politically correct argument that goes like this: 'If we allow free speech, won't the most violent voices prevail? Wouldn't that lead to the next Hitler?'
Douglas Kruger, author of the new book 'Political Correctness Does More Harm Than Good,' debunks the four fallacies underlying this notion, and shows why free speech is actually our greatest safeguard against such tyrannies.
Purchase the new book, 'Political Correctness Does More Harm Than Good' at this link:
Meet Douglas Kruger and view more content of this nature at

How could political correctness possibly harm the innocent? Here's how, step by step, beginning with the violent revolutionary goals of activist communists, enabled by woke liberal progressives, and ending in real-world violence at childrens' schools.
Douglas Kruger is the author of 'Political Correctness Does More Harm Than Good.' This channel, BreakingWoke, helps you to identify, debunk and dismantle dangerous ideas.
The new book is available globally from this link:
Visit for more.

Forget the personalities. Consider the ideologies. What happens if leftist politics wins out in the US elections? And what happens if the conservative worldview prevails?
Douglas Kruger is the author of the new book, 'Political Correctness Does More Harm Than Good - How to Identify, Debunk and Dismantle Dangerous Ideas.' Learn more at
Purchase the new book here:
In France, a Muslim man beheads three Christians in a church. In Scotland, the government proposes a bill that will make it possible to arrest people who criticise Islam in the privacy of their own homes.
Political correctness poses as kindness, even as it enables violence.
Douglas Kruger, the author of 'Political Correctness Does More Harm Than Good - How to Identify, Debunk and Dismantle Dangerous Ideas' considers some leading fallacies of thinking by which apologists justify Islamic terrorism.
Visit for more.
Buy the book, Political Correctness Does More Harm Than Good, via Amazon:
What genuinely helps people to escape poverty? The answers are not politically correct.
At this meeting of Mensa - the High-IQ Society - author and speaker Douglas Kruger shares the top personal behaviours that make the biggest difference.
Douglas is the author of 'Poverty Proof - 50 Ways to Train Your Brain for Wealth,' and the brand new global book, 'Political Correctness Does More Harm Than Good - How to Identify, Debunk and Dismantle Dangerous Ideas.'
Douglas's books are available via Amazon at this page:
Get more content of this nature at
There are two sets of answers to most problems in life: The politically correct...and the true. How can you tell the difference?
In an interview with Mike Saunders, of Business Innovators Radio Network, author Douglas Kruger details the little known history of radical leftist progressive culture, and modern-day political correctness.
Douglas is the author of the global new book, 'Political Correctness Does More Harm Than Good - How to Identify, Debunk and Dismantle Dangerous Ideas.'
Meet him at
From its genesis with Rousseau to today's BLM marches, here is how Political Correctness was born, and why it should die.
Read MoreIn an interview with The Santa Monica Daily Press, author Douglas Kruger discusses BLM, the idea of campus 'rape culture,' the banning of humour, and what might represent a better alternative to political correctness.
Douglas Kruger is the author of the global new book on conservative values, freedom of speech, defence of science and truth, and how to combat radical Leftism, titled 'Political Correctness Does More Harm Than Good - How to Identify, Debunk and Dismantle Dangerous Ideas.' Visit for more.
Douglas's new book is available globally via Amazon.

What kind of political system starts with the goal of evading parental obligations? Then goes on to murder over 100-million people? Then sets up an institution designed to destroy civilisation?
Douglas Kruger, author of 'Political Correctness Does More Harm Than Good,' tracks the history of progressive liberal leftism, from Rousseau to the Frankfurt School, helping to explain some of the toxic social movements we are seeing today: BLM, intersectionality, grievance culture, and a myriad of violent social justice causes that all pose as kindness. These forces were unleashed on our societies by the Frankfurt School, a group of radical leftists, whose stated goal was to overthrow Western civilisation in favour of Marxism.
Learn more at
The book 'Political Correctness Does More Harm Than Good' is available globally via Amazon and Audible.

How to debunk collectivism. Start with its dreadful history. Collectivism comes down to us from the father of modern liberalism: Jean-Jacques Rousseau. Here are his motivations for inventing one of the deadliest ideologies in history.
Douglas Kruger is the author of Political Correctness Does More Harm Than Good, available globally via Amazon. Visit for more.

It's a growing trend around the world. Businesses and careers are destroyed by hate-mobs for the crime of 'wrong-think.' Where did this phenomenon originate?
Douglas Kruger, Hall of Fame speaker, and author of 'Political Correctness Does More Harm Than Good,' unpacks the history for you.
Comedian Trevor Noah recently asked why gender-reveal parties continue, given what we now 'know' about gender as a social construct, questioning why we do not wait and let the children announce their own gender.
Douglas Kruger, author of 'Political Correctness Does More Harm Than Good,' responds, with the history of this idea.
Should we entertain a new social justice movement demanding the banning of billionaires?
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Dude! Punch a Nazi!â€
"Um... Just a second. It sounds like you’re advocating public violence in the form of an assault of strangers. Isn’t that illegal? And immoral?"

‘Don’t talk about ze war… on humour?’
We can’t have humour anymore. Did you know? It’s been withdrawn from society, culled, cancelled, because the politically-correct woke-police are on their joyless march again.